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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.5.1


SegmentedControl is a component used for allowing users to select one option from multiple choices.



The SegmentedControl is a multi part component.

export const SegmentedControl: ComponentMultiStyle<"SegmentedControl"> = {
baseStyle: {
container: {
p: "1",
bg: ["blackAlpha.100", "whiteAlpha.50"],
_readOnly: { cursor: "default" },
_disabled: { cursor: "not-allowed" },
cursor: {
boxShadow: ["md", "dark-md"],
button: {
transitionProperty: "common",
transitionDuration: "ultra-slow",
fontWeight: "medium",
whiteSpace: "nowrap",
color: ["blackAlpha.800", "whiteAlpha.800"],
_hover: {
opacity: 0.7,
_checked: {
opacity: 1,
_focusVisible: {
boxShadow: "outline",
_readOnly: { cursor: "default" },
_disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: "not-allowed" },
variants: {
basic: ({ colorScheme: c = "gray" }) => ({
container: {
rounded: "lg",
cursor: {
bg: isGray(c)
? [`whiteAlpha.800`, `${c}.700`]
: [isAccessible(c) ? `${c}.400` : `${c}.500`, `${c}.600`],
color: [isGray(c) || isAccessible(c) ? `black` : `white`, `white`],
rounded: "md",
button: {
rounded: "md",
_checked: {
color: [isGray(c) || isAccessible(c) ? `black` : `white`, `white`],
rounded: ({ colorScheme: c = "gray" }) => ({
container: {
rounded: "full",
cursor: {
bg: isGray(c)
? [`whiteAlpha.800`, `${c}.700`]
: [isAccessible(c) ? `${c}.400` : `${c}.500`, `${c}.600`],
color: [isGray(c) || isAccessible(c) ? `black` : `white`, `white`],
rounded: "full",
button: {
rounded: "full",
_checked: {
color: [isGray(c) || isAccessible(c) ? `black` : `white`, `white`],
sizes: {
sm: {
container: { minW: "xs" },
button: { py: "1", px: "2", fontSize: "sm" },
md: {
container: { minW: "sm" },
button: { py: "1.5", px: "3", fontSize: "md" },
lg: {
container: { minW: "md" },
button: { py: "2", px: "4" },
defaultProps: {
variant: "basic",
size: "md",

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