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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.5

Customize Theme

All components of Yamada UI inherit styles and tokens from the theme. Depending on the scenario, you may need to customize things like color to match your project.

Theme Usage

If you customize the theme, it is recommended to use type completion. Type completion uses the CLI.

Considering that the theme's tokens and styles may be added or changed during development, it is recommended to keep the theme in a folder.

├ components # Folder to define the styles of each component
├ tokens # Folder to define each token
├ styles # Folder to define global styles and reset styles
├ config.ts # File to set the config
└ index.ts # File to export the theme by default


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
// import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
// import { tokens } from './tokens'
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// styles,
// components,
// ...tokens,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)()

Applying Theme

To apply a theme, pass it to theme of UIProvider.

In the case of Create React App.


import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import { App } from "./app"
import { UIProvider } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { theme } from "theme"
const container = document.getElementById("app")
const root = createRoot(container!)
<UIProvider theme={theme}>
<App />

In the case of Next.js.


import type { AppProps } from "next/app"
import { UIProvider } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { theme } from "theme"
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) => {
return (
<UIProvider theme={theme}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default App

In the case of Vite.


import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"
import App from "./App.tsx"
import { UIProvider } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { theme } from "theme"
<UIProvider theme={theme}>
<App />

Changing Tokens

This time, let's try changing new and existing tokens in colors.

Create colors.ts under tokens.


import { ThemeTokens } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const colors: ThemeTokens = {
banner: "#9d38a0",
black: ["#1F2123", "#101112"],

Create index.ts and export the colors you created earlier.


import { colors } from "./colors"
export const tokens = { colors }

Include tokens in customTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
// import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// styles,
// components,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)()

If you don't want to inherit only colors from the default theme, pass omit to extendTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
// import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// styles,
// components,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)({ omit: ["colors"] })

Setting Responsive Objects to Tokens

By default, theme tokens do not support responsive objects. If you want to enable responsive objects for theme tokens, set config.theme.responsive to true.


import { extendConfig } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const config = extendConfig({
theme: {
responsive: true,

Set responsive objects to theme tokens.


import type { ThemeTokens } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const spaces: ThemeTokens = {
1: { base: "0.25rem", md: "0.125rem" },
2: { base: "0.5rem", md: "0.25rem" },
3: { base: "0.75rem", md: "0.375rem" },
4: { base: "1rem", md: "0.5rem" },

Next, include spaces in the tokens in ./theme/index.ts as you did in Changing Tokens.

Changing Semantic Tokens

Within the semantic tokens, a color scheme used in each component is set.

Here are the actual values that are set.

export const semantics: ThemeSemantics = {
colors: {
primary: "blue.500",
secondary: "violet.500",
info: "blue.500",
success: "green.500",
warning: "orange.500",
danger: "red.500",
link: "blue.500",
colorSchemes: {
primary: "blue",
secondary: "violet",
info: "blue",
success: "green",
warning: "orange",
danger: "red",
link: "blue",
spaces: {
xs: "1",
sm: "2",
md: "4",
normal: "6",
lg: "8",
xl: "12",
"2xl": "16",
"3xl": "24",
"4xl": "32",

This time, let's try changing the default color scheme.

Create semantics.ts under theme.


import { ThemeSemantics } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const semantics: ThemeSemantics = {
colors: {
primary: "pink.500",
colorSchemes: {
primary: "pink",

Include semantics in customTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
// import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
import { semantics } from "./semantics"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// styles,
// components,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)()

Changing Styles

You can set globalStyle, resetStyle, layerStyles, textStyles, etc. in styles.

This time, let's try changing the globalStyle that sets the style of body.

Create global-style.ts under styles.


import { UIStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const globalStyle: UIStyle = {
body: {
bg: ["black", "white"],

Create index.ts and export the globalStyle you just created.


import { globalStyle } from "./global-style"
export const styles = { globalStyle }

Include styles in customTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
import { semantics } from "./semantics"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// components,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)()

If you don't want to inherit only styles from the default theme, pass omit to extendTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { styles } from "./styles"
// import { components } from "./components'"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
import { semantics } from "./semantics"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
// components,
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)({ omit: ["styles"] })

Changing the Style of Components

Depending on the project, you may want to change the style of Yamada UI's components. Since Yamada UI's components refer to the style of the theme, you can easily change the style of the components.

The style of a component is composed of the basic style of the component (baseStyle), styles of various sizes (sizes), styles of various visuals (variants), and default props (defaultProps).

This time, let's change the Container component.

Create container.ts under components.


import { ComponentStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const Container: ComponentStyle = {
baseStyle: {
bg: "green.100",
sizes: {
sm: { p: "sm", fontSize: "sm" },
md: { p: "md", fontSize: "md" },
lg: { p: "lg", fontSize: "lg" },
variants: {
"with-border-solid": {
borderWidth: "1px",
"with-border-dotted": {
borderWidth: "1px",
borderStyle: "dotted",
defaultProps: {
size: "md",
variant: "with-border-solid",

Create index.ts and export the Container you just created.


import { Container } from "./container"
export const components = { Container }

Include components in customTheme.


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { styles } from "./styles"
import { components } from "./components"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
import { semantics } from "./semantics"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)()

Now, the background color of Container is changed, and the style is changed by passing size or variant.

import { Container } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const Demo = () => {
return (
<Container size="sm" variant="with-border-dotted">
This is Container


Yamada UI provides many theme utilities.

Using extendTheme

Create a new theme by inheriting the default theme. It is also possible to pass multiple objects and specify options.

Merging multiple themes


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const firstTheme: UsageTheme = {}
const secondTheme: UsageTheme = {}
export const theme = extendTheme(firstTheme, secondTheme)()

Not inheriting the default theme


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const firstTheme: UsageTheme = {}
const secondTheme: UsageTheme = {}
export const theme = extendTheme(firstTheme, secondTheme)({ merge: false })

Inheriting from the default theme excluding specific tokens


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {}
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)({ omit: ["colors"] })

Inheriting only specific tokens from the default theme


import { extendTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {}
export const theme = extendTheme(customTheme)({ pick: ["spaces"] })

Using extendBaseTheme

This creates a new theme that inherits only the tokens such as global styles and colors of the default theme. It is also possible to pass multiple objects and specify options.


import { extendBaseTheme, UsageTheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
import { styles } from "./styles"
import { tokens } from "./tokens"
const customTheme: UsageTheme = {
export const theme = extendBaseTheme(customTheme)()

Using extendStyle

Create a new style by inheriting globalStyle or resetStyle.

import { extendStyle, UIStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const globalStyle: UIStyle = extendStyle("globalStyle", {
* Define additional styles

Using extendToken

This creates a new token by inheriting a specific token.

import { extendToken, ThemeTokens } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const colors: ThemeTokens = extendToken("colors", {
* Define additional tokens

Using extendComponent

This creates the style of a new component by inheriting the style of a specific component.

import { extendComponent, ComponentStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const Button: ComponentStyle = extendComponent("Button", {
* Define additional `baseStyle` and `sizes`

Using extendComponentSize

This creates the size of a new component by inheriting the size of a specific component.

import { extendComponentSize, ComponentStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const Tag: ComponentStyle = {
baseStyle: {
* Define a new style
sizes: extendComponentSize("Tag", {
* Define additional sizes

Using extendComponentVariant

This creates a new component variant by inheriting a specific component's variant.

import { extendComponentVariant, ComponentStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const Tag: ComponentStyle = {
baseStyle: {
* Define new style
variants: extendComponentVariant("Tag", {
* Define additional variants

Using extendComponentDefaultProps

This creates the props of a new component by inheriting the props of a specific component.

import { extendComponentDefaultProps, ComponentStyle } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const Tag: ComponentStyle = {
baseStyle: {
* Define new style
defaultProps: extendComponentDefaultProps("Tag", {
* Define additional props

Usage of withDefaultSize

It changes the default size of all or some components.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultSize } from "@yamada-ui/react"
* omitted
export const theme = extendTheme(
size: "lg",
components: ["Badge", "Tag", "Button"], // If you pass an empty array, it will be set for all components.

Using withDefaultVariant

Changes the default variant of all or some components.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultVariant } from "@yamada-ui/react"
* omitted
export const theme = extendTheme(
variant: "solid",
components: ["Badge", "Tag", "Button"], // If you pass an empty array, it will be set for all components.

Using withDefaultColorScheme

Changes the default color scheme of all or some components.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultColorScheme } from "@yamada-ui/react"
* omitted
export const theme = extendTheme(
colorScheme: "primary",
components: ["Badge", "Tag", "Button"], // If you pass an empty array, it will be set for all components.

Usage of withDefaultProps

It changes all or part of the default props of the components at once.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultProps } from "@yamada-ui/react"
* omitted
export const theme = extendTheme(
defaultProps: {
size: "lg",
variant: "solid",
colorScheme: "primary",
components: ["Badge", "Tag", "Button"], // If you pass an empty array, it will be set for all components.

Using generate

generate is a useful utility for customizing or generating theme tokens.

Customizing spacing

It generates new spaces by multiplying the specified number with the spaces in the default theme.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultProps, generate } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const theme = extendTheme({
spaces: generate.spaces(2),

This makes the spacing of the entire application twice as large.

Generating color tones

It generates tones (50 to 950) used in colorScheme.


import { extendTheme, withDefaultProps, generate } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const theme = extendTheme({
colors: {
red: generate.tones("#e82e34"),

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