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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.6

Color Mode

Yamada UI includes built-in support for managing the color mode of your application.

All components in Yamada UI support dark mode. Depending on the scenario, you may need to adapt components to the color mode.


To make dark mode work correctly, you need to do two things:

  1. Set initialColorMode in the config.
  2. Add ColorModeScript to your application.

Customize the Config

Color mode is set in the default config.

Here are the actual values defined.


export const config: ThemeConfig = {
initialColorMode: "light",
  • initialColorMode: The initial value of the color mode when the user first accesses the application (or after storage is reset). It accepts three values.

    • light: Light mode.
    • dark: Dark mode.
    • system: Retrieves the color mode from the operating system (OS).
import { UIProvider, extendConfig } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export const config: ThemeConfig = {
initialColorMode: "system",
const customConfig = extendConfig(config)
const App = () => {
return (
<UIProvider config={customConfig}>
<YourApplication />

Add ColorModeScript

To make the color mode work properly, you need to add ColorModeScript within the head or body.

This is because the color mode is implemented using localStorage or cookies, and it is necessary to synchronize correctly at the time of page loading.

For Create React App


import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import { App } from "./app"
import { UIProvider, getColorModeScript, defaultConfig } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const injectColorModeScript = () => {
const scriptContent = getColorModeScript({
initialColorMode: defaultConfig.initialColorMode,
const script = document.createElement("script")
script.textContent = scriptContent
const container = document.getElementById("app")
const root = createRoot(container!)
<App />

For Next.js


import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document"
import { ColorModeScript, defaultConfig } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export default function Document() {
return (
<Html lang="en">
<Head />
<ColorModeScript initialColorMode={defaultConfig.initialColorMode} />
<Main />
<NextScript />

Depending on the project, you may need to retrieve values from cookies. In that case, use createColorModeManager("cookie").


import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document"
import { ColorModeScript, defaultConfig } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export default function Document() {
return (
<Html lang="en">
<Head />
<Main />
<NextScript />


import type { AppProps } from "next/app"
import { UIProvider, createColorModeManager } from "@yamada-ui/react"
const colorModeManager = createColorModeManager("cookie")
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<UIProvider colorModeManager={colorModeManager}>
<Component {...pageProps} />

Add colorModeManager

For sites rendered on the server side, such as Next.js, you may want to include the color mode in the request to avoid changes during hydration.

Prepare getServerSideProps

To standardize getServerSideProps across multiple pages, define getServerSideCommonProps.

import { GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next"
export const getServerSideCommonProps = ({
}: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
return {
props: {
cookies: req.headers.cookie ?? "",

Set cookies in colorModeManager

Set ssr and cookies in createColorModeManager.


import type { AppProps } from "next/app"
import { UIProvider, createColorModeManager } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
const { cookies } = pageProps
const colorModeManager = createColorModeManager("ssr", cookies)
return (
<UIProvider colorModeManager={colorModeManager}>
<Component {...pageProps} />

Add getServerSideProps

Add the previously created getServerSideCommonProps to each page.


import { getServerSideCommonProps } from "../get-server-side-props.ts"
import { Button } from "@yamada-ui/react"
export default function Index() {
return <Button>Click me!</Button>
export const getServerSideProps = getServerSideCommonProps

Color Mode Syntax

To set the style for color mode, simply pass an array to the style's props.

  • Define the style value you want to set for light mode as the first argument.
  • Define the style value you want to set for dark mode as the second argument.

Editable example

<Box w="full" p="md" bg={["primary", "secondary"]} color="white">
  This is Box

Switching Color Modes

If you want to change the color mode within the application, use changeColorMode or toggleColorMode.

  • changeColorMode: Sets any color mode.
  • toggleColorMode: Switches to dark mode if it's light mode, and to light mode if it's dark mode.

Editable example

const { colorMode, changeColorMode, toggleColorMode } = useColorMode()

return (
  <Wrap gap="md">
    <Button onClick={() => changeColorMode("light")}>Light Mode</Button>
    <Button onClick={() => changeColorMode("dark")}>Dark Mode</Button>
    <Button onClick={() => changeColorMode("system")}>System</Button>
    <Button onClick={toggleColorMode}>
      {colorMode === "light" ? "Switch to Dark" : "Switch to Light"} Mode

Color Mode Utilities

Yamada UI provides convenient custom hooks for color mode.

Use useColorMode

To get the current color mode within a component, use useColorMode.

Editable example

const { colorMode, internalColorMode } = useColorMode()

return (
    The current colorMode is "{colorMode}", internal colorMode is "

Use useColorModeValue

useColorModeValue is a custom hook that takes the light mode value as the first argument and the dark mode value as the second argument, returning the value for the current color mode.

Editable example

const { colorMode } = useColorMode()
const bg = useColorModeValue("blackAlpha.800", "whiteAlpha.800")
const color = useColorModeValue("whiteAlpha.800", "blackAlpha.800")

return (
  <Box p="md" bg={bg} color={color}>
    The current colorMode is "{colorMode}"

This is suitable for setting the style of components from libraries other than Yamada UI.

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