Style Props
Style props
is a method to change the style of a component just by passing props
to the component. It also provides many useful shorthands, improving development efficiency.
Editable example
<Box w="full" p="md" bg="warning" color="white"> This is Box </Box>
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Tokens |
accentColor , accent | accent-color | colors |
alignContent | align-content | none |
alignItems | align-items | none |
alignSelf | align-self | none |
alignmentBaseline | alignment-baseline | none |
all | all | none |
animation | animation | animations |
animationComposition | animation-composition | none |
animationDelay | animation-delay | none |
animationDirection | animation-direction | none |
animationDuration | animation-duration | transitions.duration |
animationFillMode | animation-fill-mode | none |
animationIterationCount | animation-iteration-count | none |
animationName | animation-name | none |
animationPlayState | animation-play-state | none |
animationRange | animation-range | none |
animationRangeEnd | animation-range-end | none |
animationRangeStart | animation-range-start | none |
animationTimeline | animation-timeline | none |
animationTimingFunction | animation-timing-function | transitions.easing |
appearance | appearance | none |
aspectRatio | aspect-ratio | none |
azimuth | azimuth | none |
backdropBlur | -ui-backdrop-blur | blurs |
backdropBrightness | -ui-backdrop-brightness | none |
backdropContrast | -ui-backdrop-contrast | none |
backdropDropShadow | -ui-backdrop-drop-shadow | shadows |
backdropFilter | backdrop-filter | none |
backdropGrayscale | -ui-backdrop-grayscale | none |
backdropHueRotate | -ui-backdrop-hue-rotate | none |
backdropInvert | -ui-backdrop-invert | none |
backdropSaturate | -ui-backdrop-saturate | none |
backdropSepia | -ui-backdrop-sepia | none |
backfaceVisibility | backface-visibility | sizes |
background , bg | background | colors |
backgroundAttachment , bgAttachment | background-attachment | none |
backgroundBlendMode , bgBlendMode | background-blend-mode | none |
backgroundClip , bgClip | background-clip | none |
backgroundColor , bgColor | background-color | colors |
backgroundImage , bgGradient , bgImage , bgImg | background-image | gradients |
backgroundOrigin , bgOrigin | background-origin | none |
backgroundPosition , bgPosition | background-position | none |
backgroundPositionX , bgPositionX , bgPosX | background-position-x | none |
backgroundPositionY , bgPositionY , bgPosY | background-position-y | none |
backgroundRepeat , bgRepeat | background-repeat | none |
backgroundSize , bgSize | background-size | none |
baselineShift | baseline-shift | none |
blockSize | block-size | sizes |
blur | -ui-blur | blurs |
border | border | borders |
borderBlock | border-block | borders |
borderBlockColor | border-block-color | colors |
borderBlockEnd | border-block-end | borders |
borderBlockEndColor | border-block-end-color | colors |
borderBlockEndStyle | border-block-end-style | none |
borderBlockEndWidth | border-block-end-width | none |
borderBlockStart | border-block-start | borders |
borderBlockStartColor | border-block-start-color | colors |
borderBlockStartStyle | border-block-start-style | none |
borderBlockStartWidth | border-block-start-width | none |
borderBlockStyle | border-block-style | none |
borderBlockWidth | border-block-width | none |
borderBottom | border-bottom | borders |
borderBottomColor | border-bottom-color | colors |
borderBottomLeftRadius , roundedBottomLeft | border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
borderBottomRadius , roundedBottom | border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderBottomRightRadius , roundedBottomRight | border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderBottomStyle | border-bottom-style | none |
borderBottomWidth | border-bottom-width | none |
borderCollapse | border-collapse | none |
borderColor | border-color | colors |
borderEndEndRadius , borderBottomEndRadius , roundedBottomEnd | border-end-end-radius | radii |
borderEndStartRadius , borderBottomStartRadius , roundedBottomStart | border-end-start-radius | radii |
borderImage | border-image | borders |
borderImageOutset | border-image-outset | none |
borderImageRepeat | border-image-repeat | none |
borderImageSlice | border-image-slice | none |
borderImageSource | border-image-source | gradients |
borderImageWidth | border-image-width | none |
borderInline | border-inline | borders |
borderInlineColor | border-inline-color | colors |
borderInlineEnd , borderEnd | border-inline-end | borders |
borderInlineEndColor , borderEndColor | border-inline-end-color | colors |
borderInlineEndRadius , borderEndRadius , roundedEnd | border-end-start-radius border-end-end-radius | radii |
borderInlineEndStyle , borderEndStyle | border-inline-end-style | none |
borderInlineEndWidth , borderEndWidth | border-inline-end-width | none |
borderInlineStart , borderStart | border-inline-start | borders |
borderInlineStartColor , borderStartColor | border-inline-start-color | colors |
borderInlineStartRadius , borderStartRadius , roundedStart | border-start-start-radius border-start-end-radius | radii |
borderInlineStartStyle , borderStartStyle | border-inline-start-style | none |
borderInlineStartWidth , borderStartWidth | border-inline-start-width | none |
borderInlineStyle | border-inline-style | none |
borderInlineWidth | border-inline-width | none |
borderLeft | border-left | borders |
borderLeftColor | border-left-color | colors |
borderLeftRadius , roundedLeft | border-top-left-radius border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
borderLeftStyle | border-left-style | none |
borderLeftWidth | border-left-width | none |
borderRadius , rounded | border-radius | radii |
borderRight | border-right | borders |
borderRightColor | border-right-color | colors |
borderRightRadius , roundedRight | border-top-right-radius border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderRightStyle | border-right-style | none |
borderRightWidth | border-right-width | none |
borderSpacing | border-spacing | none |
borderStartEndRadius , borderTopEndRadius , roundedTopEnd | border-start-end-radius | radii |
borderStartStartRadius , borderTopStartRadius , roundedTopStart | border-start-start-radius | radii |
borderStyle | border-style | none |
borderTop | border-top | borders |
borderTopColor | border-top-color | colors |
borderTopLeftRadius , roundedTopLeft | border-top-left-radius | radii |
borderTopRadius , roundedTop | border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius | radii |
borderTopRightRadius , roundedTopRight | border-top-right-radius | radii |
borderTopStyle | border-top-style | none |
borderTopWidth | border-top-width | none |
borderWidth | border-width | none |
borderX | border-left border-right | borders |
borderY | border-top border-bottom | borders |
bottom | bottom | spaces |
boxAlign | box-align | none |
boxDecorationBreak | box-decoration-break | none |
boxDirection | box-direction | none |
boxFlex | box-flex | none |
boxFlexGroup | box-flex-group | none |
boxLines | box-lines | none |
boxOrdinalGroup | box-ordinal-group | none |
boxOrient | box-orient | none |
boxPack | box-pack | none |
boxShadow , shadow | box-shadow | shadows |
boxSize | width height | sizes |
boxSizing | box-sizing | none |
breakAfter | break-after | none |
breakBefore | break-before | none |
breakInside | break-inside | none |
brightness | -ui-brightness | none |
captionSide | caption-side | none |
caretColor , caret | caret-color | colors |
clear | clear | none |
clip | clip | none |
clipPath | clip-path | none |
clipRule | clip-rule | none |
color , textColor | color | colors |
colorInterpolation | color-interpolation | none |
colorMode | color-scheme | none |
columnCount | column-count | none |
columnFill | column-fill | none |
columnGap , gapX , gx | column-gap | spaces |
columnRule | column-rule | none |
columnRuleColor | column-rule-color | colors |
columnRuleStyle | column-rule-style | none |
columnRuleWidth | column-rule-width | none |
columnSpan | column-span | none |
columnWidth | column-width | sizes |
columns | columns | none |
contain | contain | none |
containIntrinsicBlockSize | contain-intrinsic-block-size | none |
containIntrinsicHeight | contain-intrinsic-height | none |
containIntrinsicInlineSize | contain-intrinsic-inline-size | none |
containIntrinsicSize | contain-intrinsic-size | none |
containIntrinsicWidth | contain-intrinsic-width | sizes |
container | container | none |
containerName | container-name | none |
containerType | container-type | none |
content | content | none |
contentVisibility | content-visibility | none |
contrast | -ui-contrast | none |
counterIncrement | counter-increment | none |
counterReset | counter-reset | none |
counterSet | counter-set | none |
cursor | cursor | none |
direction | direction | none |
display | display | none |
dominantBaseline | dominant-baseline | none |
dropShadow | -ui-drop-shadow | shadows |
emptyCells | empty-cells | none |
fill | fill | colors |
fillOpacity | fill-opacity | none |
fillRule | fill-rule | none |
filter | filter | none |
flex | flex | none |
flexBasis | flex-basis | sizes |
flexDirection , flexDir | flex-direction | none |
flexFlow | flex-flow | none |
flexGrow | flex-grow | none |
flexShrink | flex-shrink | none |
flexWrap | flex-wrap | none |
float | float | none |
floodColor | flood-color | colors |
floodOpacity | flood-opacity | none |
font | font | none |
fontFamily | font-family | fonts |
fontFeatureSettings | font-feature-settings | none |
fontKerning | font-kerning | none |
fontLanguageOverride | font-language-override | none |
fontOpticalSizing | font-optical-sizing | none |
fontPalette | font-palette | none |
fontSize , text | font-size | fontSizes |
fontSizeAdjust | font-size-adjust | none |
fontSmooth | font-smooth | none |
fontStretch | font-stretch | none |
fontStyle | font-style | none |
fontSynthesis | font-synthesis | none |
fontSynthesisPosition | font-synthesis-position | none |
fontSynthesisSmallCaps | font-synthesis-small-caps | none |
fontSynthesisStyle | font-synthesis-style | none |
fontSynthesisWeight | font-synthesis-weight | none |
fontVariant | font-variant | none |
fontVariantAlternates | font-variant-alternates | none |
fontVariantCaps | font-variant-caps | none |
fontVariantEastAsian | font-variant-east-asian | none |
fontVariantEmoji | font-variant-emoji | none |
fontVariantLigatures | font-variant-ligatures | none |
fontVariantNumeric | font-variant-numeric | none |
fontVariantPosition | font-variant-position | none |
fontVariationSettings | font-variation-settings | none |
fontWeight | font-weight | fontWeights |
forcedColorAdjust | forced-color-adjust | none |
gap , g | gap | spaces |
glyphOrientationVertical | glyph-orientation-vertical | none |
grayscale | -ui-grayscale | none |
grid | grid | none |
gridArea | grid-area | none |
gridAutoColumns | grid-auto-columns | sizes |
gridAutoFlow | grid-auto-flow | none |
gridAutoRows | grid-auto-rows | sizes |
gridColumn | grid-column | none |
gridColumnEnd | grid-column-end | none |
gridColumnStart | grid-column-start | none |
gridRow | grid-row | none |
gridRowEnd | grid-row-end | none |
gridRowStart | grid-row-start | none |
gridTemplate | grid-template | none |
gridTemplateAreas | grid-template-areas | none |
gridTemplateColumns | grid-template-columns | sizes |
gridTemplateRows | grid-template-rows | sizes |
hangingPunctuation | hanging-punctuation | none |
height , h | height | sizes |
hueRotate | -ui-hue-rotate | none |
hyphenateCharacter | hyphenate-character | none |
hyphenateLimitChars | hyphenate-limit-chars | none |
hyphens | hyphens | none |
imageOrientation | image-orientation | none |
imageRendering | image-rendering | none |
imageResolution | image-resolution | none |
initialLetter | initial-letter | none |
inlineSize | inline-size | sizes |
inset | inset | spaces |
insetBlock | inset-block | spaces |
insetBlockEnd | inset-block-end | spaces |
insetBlockStart | inset-block-start | spaces |
insetInline | inset-inline | spaces |
insetInlineEnd , insetEnd | inset-inline-end | spaces |
insetInlineStart , insetStart | inset-inline-start | spaces |
insetX | left right | spaces |
insetY | top bottom | spaces |
invert | -ui-invert | none |
isolation | isolation | none |
justifyContent | justify-content | none |
justifyItems | justify-items | none |
justifySelf | justify-self | none |
left | left | spaces |
letterSpacing , tracking | letter-spacing | letterSpacings |
lightingColor | lighting-color | colors |
lineBreak | line-break | none |
lineHeight , leading | line-height | lineHeights |
lineHeightStep | line-height-step | none |
listStyle | list-style | none |
listStyleImage , listStyleImg | list-style-image | gradients |
listStylePosition , listStylePos | list-style-position | none |
listStyleType | list-style-type | none |
margin , m | margin | spaces |
marginBlock | margin-block | spaces |
marginBlockEnd | margin-block-end | spaces |
marginBlockStart | margin-block-start | spaces |
marginBottom , mb | margin-bottom | spaces |
marginInline | margin-inline | spaces |
marginInlineEnd , marginEnd , me | margin-inline-end | spaces |
marginInlineStart , marginStart , ms | margin-inline-start | spaces |
marginLeft , ml | margin-left | spaces |
marginRight , mr | margin-right | spaces |
marginTop , mt | margin-top | spaces |
marginTrim | margin-trim | none |
marginX , mx | margin-inline-start margin-inline-end | spaces |
marginY , my | margin-top margin-bottom | spaces |
marker | marker | none |
markerEnd | marker-end | none |
markerMid | marker-mid | none |
markerStart | marker-start | none |
mask | mask | none |
maskBorder | mask-border | none |
maskBorderMode | mask-border-mode | none |
maskBorderOutset | mask-border-outset | none |
maskBorderRepeat | mask-border-repeat | none |
maskBorderSlice | mask-border-slice | none |
maskBorderSource | mask-border-source | none |
maskBorderWidth | mask-border-width | none |
maskClip | mask-clip | none |
maskComposite | mask-composite | none |
maskImage | mask-image | gradients |
maskMode | mask-mode | none |
maskOrigin | mask-origin | none |
maskPosition | mask-position | none |
maskRepeat | mask-repeat | none |
maskSize | mask-size | none |
maskType | mask-type | none |
masonryAutoFlow | masonry-auto-flow | none |
mathDepth | math-depth | none |
mathShift | math-shift | none |
mathStyle | math-style | none |
maxBlockSize | max-block-size | sizes |
maxBoxSize | max-width max-height | sizes |
maxHeight , maxH | max-height | sizes |
maxInlineSize | max-inline-size | sizes |
maxWidth , maxW | max-width | sizes |
minBlockSize | min-block-size | sizes |
minBoxSize | min-width min-height | sizes |
minHeight , minH | min-height | sizes |
minInlineSize | min-inline-size | sizes |
minWidth , minW | min-width | sizes |
mixBlendMode , blendMode | mix-blend-mode | none |
objectFit | object-fit | none |
objectPosition | object-position | none |
offset | offset | none |
offsetAnchor | offset-anchor | none |
offsetDistance | offset-distance | none |
offsetPath | offset-path | none |
offsetPosition | offset-position | none |
offsetRotate | offset-rotate | none |
opacity | opacity | none |
order | order | none |
orphans | orphans | none |
outline | outline | none |
outlineColor | outline-color | colors |
outlineOffset | outline-offset | none |
outlineStyle | outline-style | none |
outlineWidth | outline-width | none |
overflow | overflow | none |
overflowAnchor | overflow-anchor | none |
overflowBlock | overflow-block | none |
overflowClipMargin | overflow-clip-margin | none |
overflowInline | overflow-inline | none |
overflowWrap | overflow-wrap | none |
overflowX | overflow-x | none |
overflowY | overflow-y | none |
overlay | overlay | none |
overscrollBehavior , overscroll | overscroll-behavior | none |
overscrollBehaviorBlock | overscroll-behavior-block | none |
overscrollBehaviorInline | overscroll-behavior-inline | none |
overscrollBehaviorX , overscrollX | overscroll-behavior-x | none |
overscrollBehaviorY , overscrollY | overscroll-behavior-y | none |
padding , p | padding | spaces |
paddingBlock | padding-block | spaces |
paddingBlockEnd | padding-block-end | spaces |
paddingBlockStart | padding-block-start | spaces |
paddingBottom , pb | padding-bottom | spaces |
paddingInline | padding-inline | spaces |
paddingInlineEnd , paddingEnd , pe | padding-inline-end | spaces |
paddingInlineStart , paddingStart , ps | padding-inline-start | spaces |
paddingLeft , pl | padding-left | spaces |
paddingRight , pr | padding-right | spaces |
paddingTop , pt | padding-top | spaces |
paddingX , px | padding-inline-start padding-inline-end | spaces |
paddingY , py | padding-top padding-bottom | spaces |
page | page | none |
pageBreakAfter | page-break-after | none |
pageBreakBefore | page-break-before | none |
pageBreakInside | page-break-inside | none |
paintOrder | paint-order | none |
perspective | perspective | none |
perspectiveOrigin | perspective-origin | none |
placeContent | place-content | none |
placeItems | place-items | none |
placeSelf | place-self | none |
pointerEvents | pointer-events | none |
position , pos | position | none |
printColorAdjust | print-color-adjust | none |
quotes | quotes | none |
resize | resize | none |
right | right | spaces |
rotate | -ui-rotate | none |
rowGap , gapY , gy | row-gap | spaces |
rubyAlign | ruby-align | none |
rubyPosition | ruby-position | none |
saturate | -ui-saturate | none |
scale | -ui-scale-x -ui-scale-y | none |
scaleX | -ui-scale-x | none |
scaleY | -ui-scale-y | none |
scrollBehavior | scroll-behavior | none |
scrollMargin | scroll-margin | spaces |
scrollMarginBlock | scroll-margin-block | none |
scrollMarginBlockEnd | scroll-margin-block-end | none |
scrollMarginBlockStart | scroll-margin-block-start | none |
scrollMarginBottom | scroll-margin-bottom | spaces |
scrollMarginInline | scroll-margin-inline | none |
scrollMarginInlineEnd | scroll-margin-inline-end | none |
scrollMarginInlineStart | scroll-margin-inline-start | none |
scrollMarginLeft | scroll-margin-left | spaces |
scrollMarginRight | scroll-margin-right | spaces |
scrollMarginTop | scroll-margin-top | spaces |
scrollMarginX | scroll-margin-left scroll-margin-right | spaces |
scrollMarginY | scroll-margin-top scroll-margin-bottom | spaces |
scrollPadding | scroll-padding | spaces |
scrollPaddingBlock | scroll-padding-block | none |
scrollPaddingBlockEnd | scroll-padding-block-end | none |
scrollPaddingBlockStart | scroll-padding-block-start | none |
scrollPaddingBottom | scroll-padding-bottom | spaces |
scrollPaddingInline | scroll-padding-inline | none |
scrollPaddingInlineEnd | scroll-padding-inline-end | none |
scrollPaddingInlineStart | scroll-padding-inline-start | none |
scrollPaddingLeft | scroll-padding-left | spaces |
scrollPaddingRight | scroll-padding-right | spaces |
scrollPaddingTop | scroll-padding-top | spaces |
scrollPaddingX | scroll-padding-left scroll-padding-right | spaces |
scrollPaddingY | scroll-padding-top scroll-padding-bottom | spaces |
scrollSnapAlign | scroll-snap-align | none |
scrollSnapStop | scroll-snap-stop | none |
scrollSnapType | scroll-snap-type | none |
scrollTimeline | scroll-timeline | none |
scrollTimelineAxis | scroll-timeline-axis | none |
scrollTimelineName | scroll-timeline-name | none |
scrollbarColor | scrollbar-color | colors |
scrollbarGutter | scrollbar-gutter | none |
scrollbarWidth | scrollbar-width | none |
sepia | -ui-sepia | none |
shapeImageThreshold | shape-image-threshold | none |
shapeMargin | shape-margin | none |
shapeOutside | shape-outside | none |
shapeRendering | shape-rendering | none |
skewX | -ui-skew-x | none |
skewY | -ui-skew-y | none |
stopColor | stop-color | none |
stopOpacity | stop-opacity | none |
stroke | stroke | colors |
strokeDasharray | stroke-dasharray | none |
strokeDashoffset | stroke-dashoffset | none |
strokeLinecap | stroke-linecap | none |
strokeLinejoin | stroke-linejoin | none |
strokeMiterlimit | stroke-miterlimit | none |
strokeOpacity | stroke-opacity | none |
strokeWidth | stroke-width | none |
tabSize | tab-size | none |
tableLayout | table-layout | none |
textAlign | text-align | none |
textAlignLast | text-align-last | none |
textAnchor | text-anchor | none |
textCombineUpright | text-combine-upright | none |
textDecoration , textDecor | text-decoration | none |
textDecorationColor | text-decoration-color | colors |
textDecorationLine | text-decoration-line | none |
textDecorationSkip | text-decoration-skip | none |
textDecorationSkipInk | text-decoration-skip-ink | none |
textDecorationStyle | text-decoration-style | none |
textDecorationThickness | text-decoration-thickness | none |
textEmphasis | text-emphasis | none |
textEmphasisColor | text-emphasis-color | colors |
textEmphasisPosition | text-emphasis-position | none |
textEmphasisStyle | text-emphasis-style | none |
textIndent | text-indent | none |
textJustify | text-justify | none |
textOrientation | text-orientation | none |
textOverflow | text-overflow | none |
textRendering | text-rendering | none |
textShadow | text-shadow | shadows |
textSizeAdjust | text-size-adjust | none |
textTransform | text-transform | none |
textUnderlineOffset | text-underline-offset | none |
textUnderlinePosition | text-underline-position | none |
textWrap | text-wrap | none |
timelineScope | timeline-scope | none |
top | top | spaces |
touchAction | touch-action | none |
transform | transform | none |
transformBox | transform-box | none |
transformOrigin | transform-origin | none |
transformStyle | transform-style | none |
transition | transition | none |
transitionBehavior | transition-behavior | none |
transitionDelay | transition-delay | none |
transitionDuration | transition-duration | transitions.duration |
transitionProperty | transition-property | |
transitionTimingFunction | transition-timing-function | transitions.easing |
translate | translate | none |
translateX | -ui-translate-x | spaces |
translateY | -ui-translate-y | spaces |
unicodeBidi | unicode-bidi | none |
userSelect | user-select | none |
vectorEffect | vector-effect | none |
verticalAlign | vertical-align | none |
viewTimeline | view-timeline | none |
viewTimelineAxis | view-timeline-axis | none |
viewTimelineInset | view-timeline-inset | none |
viewTimelineName | view-timeline-name | none |
viewTransitionName | view-transition-name | none |
visibility | visibility | none |
whiteSpace | white-space | none |
whiteSpaceCollapse | white-space-collapse | none |
widows | widows | none |
width , w | width | sizes |
willChange | will-change | none |
wordBreak | word-break | none |
wordSpacing | word-spacing | none |
writingMode | writing-mode | none |
zIndex , z | z-index | zIndices |
zoom | zoom | none |
When using blur
, brightness
, backdropBlur
, backdropBrightness
, etc., you need to set filter
and backdropFilter
to auto
When using translateX
, scale
, skewX
, etc., you need to set auto
or auto-3d
to transform
Pseudo Elements and Selectors
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Tokens |
_accept | &[data-accept] | none |
_active | &:active &[data-active] | none |
_after | &::after | none |
_anyLink | &:any-link &[data-any-link] | none |
_autofill | &:autofill &:-webkit-autofill | none |
_backdrop | &::backdrop | none |
_before | &::before | none |
_between | &[data-between] | none |
_blank | &:blank &[data-blank] | none |
_checked | &:checked &[data-checked] &[aria-checked=true] | none |
_child | & > * | none |
_cue | &::cue | none |
_cueRegion | &::cue-region | none |
_dark | .ui-dark &:not([data-mode]) [data-mode=dark] &:not([data-mode]) &[data-mode=dark] | none |
_default | &:default | none |
_disabled | &:disabled &[disabled] &[aria-disabled=true] &[data-disabled] | none |
_empty | &:empty | none |
_enabled | &:enabled &[data-enabled] | none |
_end | &[data-end] | none |
_even | &:nth-of-type(even) | none |
_expanded | &[data-expanded] &[aria-expanded=true] | none |
_fileSelector | &::file-selector-button | none |
_filled | &[data-filled] | none |
_first | &:first-of-type | none |
_firstChild | & > *:first-child | none |
_firstLetter | &::first-letter | none |
_firstLine | &::first-line | none |
_focus | &:focus &[data-focus] | none |
_focusVisible | &:focus-visible &[data-focus-visible] | none |
_focusWithin | &:focus-within &[data-focus-within] | none |
_fullScreen | &:fullscreen | none |
_grabbed | &[data-grabbed] &[aria-grabbed=true] | none |
_grid | [role=grid] &[data-grid] | none |
_groupAccept | [role=group][data-accept] & [data-group][data-accept] & .group[data-accept] & | none |
_groupActive | [role=group]:active & [role=group][data-active] & [data-group]:active & [data-group][data-active] & .group:active & .group[data-active] & | none |
_groupBlank | [role=group]:blank & [role=group][data-blank] & [data-group]:blank & [data-group][data-blank] & .group:blank & .group[data-blank] & | none |
_groupChecked | [role=group]:checked & [role=group][data-checked] & [role=group][aria-checked=true] & [data-group]:checked & [data-group][data-checked] & [data-group][aria-checked=true] & .group:checked & .group[data-checked] & .group[aria-checked=true] & | none |
_groupDisabled | [role=group]:disabled & [role=group][disabled] & [role=group][aria-disabled=true] & [role=group][data-disabled] & [data-group]:disabled & [data-group][disabled] & [data-group][aria-disabled=true] & [data-group][data-disabled] & .group:disabled & .group[disabled] & .group[aria-disabled=true] & .group[data-disabled] & | none |
_groupEnabled | [role=group]:enabled & [role=group][data-enabled] & [data-group]:enabled & [data-group][data-enabled] & .group:enabled & .group[data-enabled] & | none |
_groupExpanded | [role=group][data-expanded] & [role=group][aria-expanded=true] & [data-group][data-expanded] & [data-group][aria-expanded=true] & .group[data-expanded] & .group[aria-expanded=true] & | none |
_groupFocus | [role=group]:focus & [role=group][data-focus] & [data-group]:focus & [data-group][data-focus] & .group:focus & .group[data-focus] & | none |
_groupFocusVisible | [role=group]:focus-visible & [role=group][data-focus-visible] & [data-group]:focus-visible & [data-group][data-focus-visible] & .group:focus-visible & .group[data-focus-visible] & | none |
_groupFocusWithin | [role=group]:focus-within & [role=group][data-focus-within] & [data-group]:focus-within & [data-group][data-focus-within] & .group:focus-within & .group[data-focus-within] & | none |
_groupGrabbed | [role=group][data-grabbed] & [role=group][aria-grabbed=true] & [data-group][data-grabbed] & [data-group][aria-grabbed=true] & .group[data-grabbed] & .group[aria-grabbed=true] & | none |
_groupHorizontal | [role=group][data-orientation=horizontal] & [role=group][aria-orientation=horizontal] & [data-group][data-orientation=horizontal] & [data-group][aria-orientation=horizontal] & .group[data-orientation=horizontal] & .group[aria-orientation=horizontal] & | none |
_groupHover | [role=group]:hover & [role=group][data-hover] & [data-group]:hover & [data-group][data-hover] & .group:hover & .group[data-hover] & | none |
_groupIdle | [role=group][data-idle] & [data-group][data-idle] & .group[data-idle] & | none |
_groupInvalid | [role=group][data-invalid] & [role=group][aria-invalid=true] & [data-group][data-invalid] & [data-group][aria-invalid=true] & .group[data-invalid] & .group[aria-invalid=true] & | none |
_groupLoaded | [role=group][data-loaded] & [data-group][data-loaded] & .group[data-loaded] & | none |
_groupLoading | [role=group][data-loading] & [role=group][aria-busy=true] & [data-group][data-loading] & [data-group][aria-busy=true] & .group[data-loading] & .group[aria-busy=true] & | none |
_groupOptional | [role=group]:optional & [role=group][data-optional] & [data-group]:optional & [data-group][data-optional] & .group:optional & .group[data-optional] & | none |
_groupPlaceholderShown | [role=group]:placeholder-shown & [data-group]:placeholder-shown & .group:placeholder-shown & | none |
_groupPressed | [role=group][data-pressed] & [role=group][aria-pressed=true] & [data-group][data-pressed] & [data-group][aria-pressed=true] & .group[data-pressed] & .group[aria-pressed=true] & | none |
_groupReadOnly | [role=group][readonly] & [role=group][data-readonly] & [role=group][aria-readonly=true] & [data-group][readonly] & [data-group][data-readonly] & [data-group][aria-readonly=true] & .group[readonly] & .group[data-readonly] & .group[aria-readonly=true] & | none |
_groupReadWrite | [role=group]:read-write & [role=group][data-read-write] & [data-group]:read-write & [data-group][data-read-write] & .group:read-write & .group[data-read-write] & | none |
_groupReject | [role=group][data-reject] & [data-group][data-reject] & .group[data-reject] & | none |
_groupRequired | [role=group]:required & [role=group][required] & [data-group]:required & [data-group][required] & .group:required & .group[required] & | none |
_groupSelected | [role=group][data-selected] & [role=group][aria-selected=true] & [data-group][data-selected] & [data-group][aria-selected=true] & .group[data-selected] & .group[aria-selected=true] & | none |
_groupUserInvalid | [role=group]:user-invalid & [role=group][data-user-invalid] & [data-group]:user-invalid & [data-group][data-user-invalid] & .group:user-invalid & .group[data-user-invalid] & | none |
_groupValid | [role=group]:valid & [role=group][data-valid] & [data-group]:valid & [data-group][data-valid] & .group:valid & .group[data-valid] & | none |
_groupVertical | [role=group][data-orientation=vertical] & [role=group][aria-orientation=vertical] & [data-group][data-orientation=vertical] & [data-group][aria-orientation=vertical] & .group[data-orientation=vertical] & .group[aria-orientation=vertical] & | none |
_hidden | &[hidden] &[data-hidden] | none |
_holiday | &[data-holiday] | none |
_horizontal | &[data-orientation=horizontal] &[aria-orientation=horizontal] | none |
_hover | &:hover &[data-hover] | none |
_idle | &[data-idle] | none |
_inRange | &:in-range &[data-in-range] | none |
_indeterminate | &:indeterminate &[data-indeterminate] &[aria-checked=mixed] | none |
_invalid | &[data-invalid] &[aria-invalid=true] | none |
_landscape | @media ("orientation": landscape) | none |
_last | &:last-of-type | none |
_lastChild | & > *:last-child | none |
_light | .ui-light &:not([data-mode]) [data-mode=light] &:not([data-mode]) &[data-mode=light] | none |
_link | &:link &[data-link] | none |
_loaded | &[data-loaded] | none |
_loading | &[data-loading] &[aria-busy=true] | none |
_marker | &::marker | none |
_mediaDark | @media (prefers-color-"scheme": dark) | none |
_mediaLight | @media (prefers-color-"scheme": light) | none |
_mediaReduceMotion | @media (prefers-reduced-"motion": reduce) | none |
_modal | &:modal | none |
_nativeActive | &:active | none |
_nativeChecked | &:checked | none |
_nativeDisabled | &:disabled &[disabled] | none |
_nativeFocus | &:focus | none |
_nativeFocusVisible | &:focus-visible | none |
_nativeFocusWithin | &:focus-within | none |
_nativeHidden | &[hidden] | none |
_nativeHover | &:hover | none |
_nativeReadOnly | &[readonly] &[aria-readonly=true] | none |
_nativeTarget | &:target | none |
_nativeValid | &:valid | none |
_notAllowed | &[data-not-allowed] | none |
_notChecked | &:not(:checked):not([data-checked]):not([aria-checked=true]) | none |
_notFirst | &:not(:first-of-type) | none |
_notFirstChild | & > *:not(:first-child) | none |
_notLast | &:not(:last-of-type) | none |
_notLastChild | & > *:not(:last-child) | none |
_notSelected | &:not([data-selected]):not([aria-selected=true]) | none |
_notTarget | &:not(:target) | none |
_odd | &:nth-of-type(odd) | none |
_only | &:only-of-type | none |
_optional | &:optional &[data-optional] | none |
_outRange | &:out-of-range &[data-out-of-range] | none |
_outside | &:where([data-outside]) | none |
_paused | &:paused &[data-paused] | none |
_peerAccept | [data-peer][data-accept] ~ & .peer[data-accept] ~ & | none |
_peerActive | [data-peer]:active ~ & [data-peer][data-active] ~ & .peer:active ~ & .peer[data-active] ~ & | none |
_peerBlank | [data-peer]:blank ~ & [data-peer][data-blank] ~ & .peer:blank ~ & .peer[data-blank] ~ & | none |
_peerChecked | [data-peer]:checked ~ & [data-peer][data-checked] ~ & [data-peer][aria-checked=true] ~ & .peer:checked ~ & .peer[data-checked] ~ & .peer[aria-checked=true] ~ & | none |
_peerDisabled | [data-peer]:disabled ~ & [data-peer][disabled] ~ & [data-peer][aria-disabled=true] ~ & [data-peer][data-disabled] ~ & .peer:disabled ~ & .peer[disabled] ~ & .peer[aria-disabled=true] ~ & .peer[data-disabled] ~ & | none |
_peerEnabled | [data-peer]:enabled ~ & [data-peer][data-enabled] ~ & .peer:enabled ~ & .peer[data-enabled] ~ & | none |
_peerExpanded | [data-peer][data-expanded] ~ & [data-peer][aria-expanded=true] ~ & .peer[data-expanded] ~ & .peer[aria-expanded=true] ~ & | none |
_peerFocus | [data-peer]:focus ~ & [data-peer][data-focus] ~ & .peer:focus ~ & .peer[data-focus] ~ & | none |
_peerFocusVisible | [data-peer]:focus-visible ~ & [data-peer][data-focus-visible] ~ & .peer:focus-visible ~ & .peer[data-focus-visible] ~ & | none |
_peerFocusWithin | [data-peer]:focus-within ~ & [data-peer][data-focus-within] ~ & .peer:focus-within ~ & .peer[data-focus-within] ~ & | none |
_peerGrabbed | [data-peer][data-grabbed] ~ & [data-peer][aria-grabbed=true] ~ & .peer[data-grabbed] ~ & .peer[aria-grabbed=true] ~ & | none |
_peerHorizontal | [data-peer][data-orientation=horizontal] ~ & [data-peer][aria-orientation=horizontal] ~ & .peer[data-orientation=horizontal] ~ & .peer[aria-orientation=horizontal] ~ & | none |
_peerHover | [data-peer]:hover ~ & [data-peer][data-hover] ~ & .peer:hover ~ & .peer[data-hover] ~ & | none |
_peerIdle | [data-peer][data-idle] ~ & .peer[data-idle] ~ & | none |
_peerInvalid | [data-peer][data-invalid] ~ & [data-peer][aria-invalid=true] ~ & .peer[data-invalid] ~ & .peer[aria-invalid=true] ~ & | none |
_peerLoaded | [data-peer][data-loaded] ~ & .peer[data-loaded] ~ & | none |
_peerLoading | [data-peer][data-loading] ~ & [data-peer][aria-busy=true] ~ & .peer[data-loading] ~ & .peer[aria-busy=true] ~ & | none |
_peerOptional | [data-peer]:optional ~ & [data-peer][data-optional] ~ & .peer:optional ~ & .peer[data-optional] ~ & | none |
_peerPlaceholderShown | [data-peer]:placeholder-shown ~ & .peer:placeholder-shown ~ & | none |
_peerPressed | [data-peer][data-pressed] ~ & [data-peer][aria-pressed=true] ~ & .peer[data-pressed] ~ & .peer[aria-pressed=true] ~ & | none |
_peerReadOnly | [data-peer][readonly] ~ & [data-peer][data-readonly] ~ & [data-peer][aria-readonly=true] ~ & .peer[readonly] ~ & .peer[data-readonly] ~ & .peer[aria-readonly=true] ~ & | none |
_peerReadWrite | [data-peer]:read-write ~ & [data-peer][data-read-write] ~ & .peer:read-write ~ & .peer[data-read-write] ~ & | none |
_peerReject | [data-peer][data-reject] ~ & .peer[data-reject] ~ & | none |
_peerRequired | [data-peer]:required ~ & [data-peer][required] ~ & .peer:required ~ & .peer[required] ~ & | none |
_peerSelected | [data-peer][data-selected] ~ & [data-peer][aria-selected=true] ~ & .peer[data-selected] ~ & .peer[aria-selected=true] ~ & | none |
_peerUserInvalid | [data-peer]:user-invalid ~ & [data-peer][data-user-invalid] ~ & .peer:user-invalid ~ & .peer[data-user-invalid] ~ & | none |
_peerValid | [data-peer]:valid ~ & [data-peer][data-valid] ~ & .peer:valid ~ & .peer[data-valid] ~ & | none |
_peerVertical | [data-peer][data-orientation=vertical] ~ & [data-peer][aria-orientation=vertical] ~ & .peer[data-orientation=vertical] ~ & .peer[aria-orientation=vertical] ~ & | none |
_picture | &:picture-in-picture | none |
_placeholder | &::placeholder &[data-placeholder] | none |
_placeholderShown | &:placeholder-shown | none |
_playing | &:playing &[data-playing] | none |
_portrait | @media ("orientation": portrait) | none |
_pressed | &[data-pressed] &[aria-pressed=true] | none |
_print | @media print | none |
_readOnly | &[readonly] &[data-readonly] &[aria-readonly=true] | none |
_readWrite | &:read-write &[data-read-write] | none |
_reject | &[data-reject] | none |
_required | &:required &[required] | none |
_ripple | & .ui-ripple | none |
_scrollbar | &::-webkit-scrollbar &[data-scrollbar] | none |
_scrollbarButton | &::-webkit-scrollbar-button | none |
_scrollbarCorner | &::-webkit-scrollbar-corner | none |
_scrollbarThumb | &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb | none |
_scrollbarTrack | &::-webkit-scrollbar-track | none |
_scrollbarTrackPiece | &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece | none |
_selected | &[data-selected] &[aria-selected=true] | none |
_selection | &::selection | none |
_start | &[data-start] | none |
_target | &:target &[data-target] | none |
_today | &[data-today] | none |
_userInvalid | &:user-invalid &[data-user-invalid] | none |
_valid | &:valid &[data-valid] | none |
_vertical | &[data-orientation=vertical] &[aria-orientation=vertical] | none |
_visited | &:visited | none |
_weekend | &:where([data-weekend]) | none |
Prop | Description |
_container | |
_media | |
_supports |
Other Props
Prop | Description |
apply | |
isTruncated | |
layerStyle | |
lineClamp | |
textStyle | |
vars |
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