CSS Value Functions
Yamada UI provides various functions that make CSS value functions more convenient.
Function arguments can reference tokens from the theme.
Calculation & Comparison
Yamada UI provides functions that make CSS calculation and comparison functions more convenient.
You can use CSS's calc to reference and calculate tokens from the theme.
You can perform calculations with just numbers, without using tokens from the theme, just like CSS's calc
Editable example
<Center w="calc(lg / 2)" bg="primary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Calc </Center>
Also, if the token name is a number, like the tokens in theme's spaces, you reference it using $
Editable example
<Center w="calc(2xs + $spaces.2)" bg="secondary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > Use "$" </Center>
Use CSS's min to set the smallest value from the given arguments.
If there is only one argument, a second value of "100%"
is set.
Editable example
<VStack> <Center w="min(100%, lg)" bg="primary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Min </Center> <Center w="min(md)" bg="secondary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Omitted Min </Center> </VStack>
Use CSS's max to set the largest value from the given arguments.
If there is only one argument, a second value of "100%"
is set.
Editable example
<VStack> <Center w="max(100%, 2xs)" bg="primary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Max </Center> <Center w="max(xs)" bg="secondary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Omitted Max </Center> </VStack>
Use CSS's clamp to constrain a value between an upper and lower bound.
If there are two arguments, a recommended value of "100%"
is set.
Editable example
<VStack> <Center w="clamp(xs, 100%, sm)" bg="primary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > Clamp </Center> <Center w="clamp(xs, sm)" bg="secondary" p="md" rounded="md" color="white"> Omitted Clamp </Center> </VStack>
Yamada UI provides functions that easily mix colors together, lighten, and darken colors.
Use CSS's color-mix to mix colors together.
You can specify two or three arguments. The method can be omitted, and the default is in srgb
Editable example
<Center bg="mix(red.500, blue.500)" w="full" height="xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > "in srgb" + "red.500" + "blue.500" </Center>
You can change the ratio by specifying a percentage.
Editable example
<Center bg="mix(in lab, orange.500 80%, purple.500 20%)" w="full" height="xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > "in lab" + "orange.500 80%" + "purple.500 20%" </Center>
Make sure the percentages add up to 100%
Use mix to lighten a color by mixing it with #FFFFFF
Editable example
<Center bg="tint(purple.500, 50%)" w="full" height="xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > Tint color </Center>
Use mix to darken a color by mixing it with #000000
Editable example
<Center bg="shade(yellow.500, 50%)" w="full" height="xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > Shade color </Center>
Use mix to make a color transparent by mixing it with transparent
Editable example
<Center bg="transparentize(red.500, 50%)" w="full" height="xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > Transparentize color </Center>
Use mix to create a color based on a specified color and tone.
Editable example
<VStack> {TONES.map((tone) => ( <Center key={tone} bg={`tone(purple.500, ${tone})`} w="full" height="5xs" p="md" rounded="md" color="white" > <Text color={`tone(purple.500, ${tone})`} as="span" filter="invert(100%) grayscale(100%) contrast(100)" > Tone {tone} </Text> </Center> ))} </VStack>
Yamada UI provides functions that easily create gradients.
To add a gradient, set functions and values to bgGradient
, , ) radial(
, )
You can also use other CSS gradient functions like repeating-linear
or conic
Shortcuts are available for
{'to-t': 'to top','to-tr': 'to top right','to-r': 'to right','to-br': 'to bottom right','to-b': 'to bottom','to-bl': 'to bottom left','to-l': 'to left','to-tl': 'to top left',}
Editable example
<Box w="full" h="xs" bgGradient="linear(to-r, purple.500, blue.400)" />
Customizing Colors
The API can use both color tokens and CSS color values.
Editable example
<Box w="full" h="xs" bgGradient="linear(to-r, #59a9e1, #f37bdf)" />
Gradient Tokens
Gradient tokens can be defined in the theme.
import { ThemeTokens } from "@yamada-ui/react"export const gradients: ThemeTokens = {blue: "linear(to-r, #132293, #2375b4)",}
Editable example
<Box w="full" h="xs" bgGradient="blue" />
The default theme does not define gradient tokens. If you want to use gradient tokens, please check how to customize the theme.
Text Gradient
To add a gradient to text, set bgGradient
and bgClip
to text
Editable example
<Heading size="2xl" bgGradient="linear(to-r, orange.400, red.500)" bgClip="text" isTruncated > クリリンのことか……クリリンのことかーーーっ!!!!! </Heading>
Responsive Gradient
Pass an object to bgGradient
to support responsive styles.
Editable example
<Box w="full" h="xs" bgGradient={{ base: "linear(to-tr, teal.300, yellow.400)", lg: "linear(to-t, blue.200, teal.500)", md: "linear(to-b, orange.100, purple.300)", }} />
If you want to learn more about responsive styles, please check here.
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