is a component that allows users to input passwords with a visibility toggle.
import { PasswordInput, PasswordInputStrengthMeter } from "@yamada-ui/react"
Editable example
<PasswordInput placeholder="basic" />
Change Variants
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput variant="outline" placeholder="outline" /> <PasswordInput variant="filled" placeholder="filled" /> <PasswordInput variant="flushed" placeholder="flushed" /> <PasswordInput variant="unstyled" placeholder="unstyled" /> </VStack>
Change Size
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput size="xs" placeholder="extra small size" /> <PasswordInput size="sm" placeholder="small size" /> <PasswordInput size="md" placeholder="medium size" /> <PasswordInput size="lg" placeholder="large size" /> </VStack>
Default Visible
To display the value by default, set defaultVisible
to true
Editable example
<PasswordInput defaultValue="password" defaultVisible placeholder="your password" />
Show Strength Meter
To display the strength meter, use PasswordInputStrengthMeter
Editable example
const [value, setValue] = useState("Password") const getStrength = (password: string): number => { let strength = 0 if (password.length >= 8) strength++ if (/[A-Z]/.test(password)) strength++ if (/[0-9]/.test(password)) strength++ if (/[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(password)) strength++ return strength } return ( <VStack> <PasswordInput placeholder="your password" value={value} onChange={(e) => setValue(} /> <PasswordInputStrengthMeter value={getStrength(value)} /> </VStack> )
Change Border Color
To change the border color, set a color to focusBorderColor
or errorBorderColor
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput focusBorderColor="green.500" placeholder="custom border color" /> <PasswordInput errorBorderColor="orange.500" invalid placeholder="custom border color" /> </VStack>
Change Placeholder Color
To change the placeholder color, set props
to _placeholder
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput placeholder="custom placeholder" _placeholder={{ opacity: 1, color: "blue.500" }} _dark={{ _placeholder: { opacity: 1, color: "blue.500" } }} /> <PasswordInput color="green.500" placeholder="custom placeholder" _placeholder={{ color: "inherit" }} _dark={{ _placeholder: { color: "inherit" }, }} /> </VStack>
To disable, set disabled
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput variant="outline" disabled placeholder="outline" /> <PasswordInput variant="filled" disabled placeholder="filled" /> <PasswordInput variant="flushed" disabled placeholder="flushed" /> <PasswordInput variant="unstyled" disabled placeholder="unstyled" /> <FormControl helperMessage="We'll never share your password." disabled label="Password" > <PasswordInput placeholder="your password" /> </FormControl> </VStack>
Make Read-Only
To make read-only, set readOnly
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput variant="outline" readOnly placeholder="outline" /> <PasswordInput variant="filled" readOnly placeholder="filled" /> <PasswordInput variant="flushed" readOnly placeholder="flushed" /> <PasswordInput variant="unstyled" readOnly placeholder="unstyled" /> <FormControl helperMessage="We'll never share your password." readOnly label="Password" > <PasswordInput placeholder="your password" /> </FormControl> </VStack>
Make Input Invalid
To make the input invalid, set invalid
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <PasswordInput variant="outline" invalid placeholder="outline" /> <PasswordInput variant="filled" invalid placeholder="filled" /> <PasswordInput variant="flushed" invalid placeholder="flushed" /> <PasswordInput variant="unstyled" invalid placeholder="unstyled" /> <FormControl errorMessage="Email is required." invalid label="Password"> <PasswordInput placeholder="your password" /> </FormControl> </VStack>
Editable example
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(true) return ( <PasswordInput placeholder="your password" visible={visible} onVisibleChange={setVisible} /> )
Use React Hook Form
Editable example
type Data = { password: string } const { register, handleSubmit, watch, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Data>() const onSubmit: SubmitHandler<Data> = (data) => { console.log("submit:", data) } console.log("watch:", watch()) return ( <VStack as="form" onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}> <FormControl errorMessage={errors.password?.message} invalid={!!errors.password} label="Password" > <PasswordInput {...register("password", { required: { message: "Password is required.", value: true }, })} /> </FormControl> <Button type="submit" alignSelf="flex-end"> Submit </Button> </VStack> )
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