is a component used for allowing users to select multiple values from multiple options.
import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from "@yamada-ui/react"
Editable example
Change Size
Editable example
<Wrap gap="md"> <Checkbox size="sm">孫悟空</Checkbox> <Checkbox size="md">ベジータ</Checkbox> <Checkbox size="lg">フリーザ</Checkbox> </Wrap>
Change Color Scheme
Editable example
<Wrap gap="md"> <Checkbox colorScheme="secondary" defaultIsChecked> Secondary </Checkbox> <Checkbox colorScheme="green" defaultIsChecked> Green </Checkbox> </Wrap>
Set as Default Checked
To set the checkbox as checked by default, set defaultIsChecked
to true
Editable example
<Checkbox defaultIsChecked>孫悟空</Checkbox>
To disable the checkbox, set isDisabled
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <Checkbox isDisabled>All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox isDisabled defaultIsChecked> All Notifications </Checkbox> <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important" isDisabled> Important Notifications </Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> <FormControl isDisabled label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" > <Checkbox defaultIsChecked>All Notifications</Checkbox> </FormControl> <FormControl isDisabled label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" > <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important">Important Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> </FormControl> </VStack>
Set as Read-Only
To make the checkbox read-only, set isReadOnly
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <Checkbox isReadOnly>All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox isReadOnly defaultIsChecked> All Notifications </Checkbox> <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important" isReadOnly> Important Notifications </Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> <FormControl isReadOnly label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" > <Checkbox defaultIsChecked>All Notifications</Checkbox> </FormControl> <FormControl isReadOnly label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" > <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important">Important Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> </FormControl> </VStack>
Set as Invalid Input
To set the checkbox as an invalid input, set isInvalid
to true
Editable example
<VStack> <Checkbox isInvalid>All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox isInvalid defaultIsChecked> All Notifications </Checkbox> <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important" isInvalid> Important Notifications </Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> <FormControl isInvalid label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" errorMessage="This is required." > <Checkbox>All Notifications</Checkbox> </FormControl> <FormControl isInvalid label="Which notifications would you like to receive?" errorMessage="This is required." > <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["all"]}> <Checkbox value="all">All Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="important">Important Notifications</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="service">Service Notifications</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> </FormControl> </VStack>
Set as Indeterminate
To set the checkbox to an indeterminate state, set isIndeterminate
to true
Editable example
const [values, setValues] = useState([false, false]) const allChecked = values.every(Boolean) const isIndeterminate = values.some(Boolean) && !allChecked return ( <VStack gap="sm"> <Checkbox isChecked={allChecked} isIndeterminate={isIndeterminate} onChange={(e) => setValues([,])} > 地球人 </Checkbox> <VStack pl="md" gap="sm"> <Checkbox isChecked={values[0]} onChange={(e) => setValues([, values[1]])} > 孫悟空 </Checkbox> <Checkbox isChecked={values[1]} onChange={(e) => setValues([values[0],])} > 孫悟飯 </Checkbox> </VStack> </VStack> )
To group checkboxes, use CheckboxGroup
. By setting items
in CheckboxGroup
, you can omit individual Checkbox
Editable example
const items: CheckboxItem[] = [ { label: "孫悟空", value: "孫悟空" }, { label: "ベジータ", value: "ベジータ" }, { label: "フリーザ", value: "フリーザ" }, ] return ( <VStack> <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["孫悟空", "ベジータ"]}> <Checkbox value="孫悟空">孫悟空</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="ベジータ">ベジータ</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="フリーザ">フリーザ</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> <CheckboxGroup direction="row" defaultValue={["孫悟空", "ベジータ"]}> <Checkbox value="孫悟空">孫悟空</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="ベジータ">ベジータ</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="フリーザ">フリーザ</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> <CheckboxGroup defaultValue={["孫悟空", "ベジータ"]} items={items} /> </VStack> )
Editable example
const [isChecked, { toggle }] = useBoolean(false) return ( <Checkbox isChecked={isChecked} onChange={toggle}> 孫悟空 </Checkbox> )
Use Custom Hooks
You can create customized checkboxes using custom hooks like useCheckbox
or useCheckboxGroup
Editable example
const CustomCheckbox: FC< ReturnType<UseCheckboxGroupReturn["getCheckboxProps"]> > = (props) => { const { getInputProps, getIconProps } = useCheckbox(props) return ( <Box as="label"> <ui.input {...getInputProps()} /> <Box {...getIconProps()} cursor="pointer" borderWidth="1px" py="xs" px="sm" rounded="md" _checked={{ bg: "blue.500", color: "white", borderColor: "blue.500", }} > {props.value} </Box> </Box> ) } const { getCheckboxProps } = useCheckboxGroup<string>({ defaultValue: ["孫悟空"], }) return ( <HStack gap="sm"> <CustomCheckbox {...getCheckboxProps({ value: "孫悟空" })} /> <CustomCheckbox {...getCheckboxProps({ value: "ベジータ" })} /> <CustomCheckbox {...getCheckboxProps({ value: "フリーザ" })} /> </HStack> )
Use React Hook Form
Editable example
type Data = { checkbox: boolean; checkboxGroup: string[] } const { control, handleSubmit, watch, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<Data>() const onSubmit = (data) => console.log("submit:", data) console.log("watch:", watch()) return ( <VStack as="form" onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}> <FormControl isInvalid={!!errors.checkbox} label="Who is your favorite character?" errorMessage={errors.checkbox ? errors.checkbox.message : undefined} > <Controller name="checkbox" control={control} rules={{ required: { value: true, message: "This is required." } }} render={({ field: { value, } }) => ( <Checkbox isChecked={value} {}> 孫悟空 </Checkbox> )} /> </FormControl> <FormControl isInvalid={!!errors.checkboxGroup} label="Who is your favorite character?" errorMessage={ errors.checkboxGroup ? errors.checkboxGroup.message : undefined } > <Controller name="checkboxGroup" control={control} rules={{ required: { value: true, message: "This is required." } }} render={({ field }) => ( <CheckboxGroup {...field}> <Checkbox value="孫悟空">孫悟空</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="ベジータ">ベジータ</Checkbox> <Checkbox value="フリーザ">フリーザ</Checkbox> </CheckboxGroup> )} /> </FormControl> <Button type="submit" alignSelf="flex-end"> Submit </Button> </VStack> )
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