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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.5


SegmentedControl is a component used for allowing users to select one option from multiple choices.


When using only icons in SegmentedControlButton, set aria-label for the SegmentedControlButton.

<Wrap gap="md">
<SegmentedControlButton aria-label="plus" value="plus">
<PlusIcon />
<SegmentedControlButton aria-label="minus" value="minus">
<MinusIcon />

Keyboard Navigation

TabFocuses the selected item.-
ArrowLeftFocuses the previous item that is not disabled. If it's the first item, it focuses the last item that is not disabled.-
ArrowRightFocuses the next item that is not disabled. If it's the last item, it focuses the first item that is not disabled.-

ARIA Roles and Attributes

ComponentRoles and AttributesUsage
SegmentedControlrole="radiogroup"Indicates that this is a radio group.
SegmentedControlButtonrole="radio"Indicates that this is a radio.
aria-disabled="true"Sets "true" if isDisabled is set to "true".

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