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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.5.1


Slider is a component used for allowing users to select a value from a range.



The Slider is a multi part component.

export const Slider: ComponentMultiStyle<"Slider"> = {
baseStyle: {
container: ({ orientation: o }) => ({
display: "inline-block",
position: "relative",
cursor: "pointer",
_readOnly: { cursor: "auto" },
_disabled: {
opacity: 0.6,
cursor: "not-allowed",
...(o === "vertical" ? { h: "100%" } : { w: "100%" }),
track: {
overflow: "hidden",
rounded: "sm",
bg: "border",
_disabled: {
bg: ["blackAlpha.200", "whiteAlpha.400"],
filledTrack: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({
w: "inherit",
h: "inherit",
bg: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],
mark: {
fontSize: "sm",
thumb: ({ theme: t, colorMode: m, orientation: o }) => ({
position: "absolute",
zIndex: "yamcha",
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
outline: 0,
rounded: "full",
bg: "white",
boxShadow: "base",
border: "1px solid",
borderColor: "transparent",
transitionProperty: "transform",
transitionDuration: "normal",
_focusVisible: {
boxShadow: "outline",
_disabled: {
bg: [tintColor("black", 72)(t, m), shadeColor("white", 64)],
...(o === "vertical"
? {
left: "50%",
transform: `translateX(-50%)`,
_active: {
transform: `translateX(-50%) scale(1.15)`,
: {
top: "50%",
transform: `translateY(-50%)`,
_active: {
transform: `translateY(-50%) scale(1.15)`,
sizes: {
sm: ({ orientation: o }) => ({
track: o === "vertical" ? { w: "0.5" } : { h: "0.5" },
thumb: { boxSize: "2.5" },
mark: o === "vertical" ? { ml: "2" } : { mt: "2" },
md: ({ orientation: o }) => ({
track: o === "vertical" ? { w: "1" } : { h: "1" },
thumb: { boxSize: "3.5" },
mark: o === "vertical" ? { ml: "3" } : { mt: "3" },
lg: ({ orientation: o }) => ({
track: o === "vertical" ? { w: "1.5" } : { h: "1.5" },
thumb: { boxSize: "5" },
mark: o === "vertical" ? { ml: "4" } : { mt: "4" },
defaultProps: {
size: "md",
colorScheme: "primary",

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