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Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.5


Input is a component used to obtain text input from the user.



The Input is a multi part component.

export const Input: ComponentMultiStyle<"Input"> = {
baseStyle: {
container: {},
element: {
color: ["blackAlpha.600", "whiteAlpha.700"],
field: {
appearance: "none",
minWidth: 0,
outline: 0,
position: "relative",
transitionDuration: "normal",
transitionProperty: "border-color, box-shadow, background-color, opacity",
width: "100%",
_disabled: {
cursor: "not-allowed",
opacity: 0.4,
sizes: {
xs: {
addon: {
fontSize: "xs",
minH: "6",
px: "2",
rounded: "sm",
field: {
fontSize: "xs",
minH: "6",
px: "2",
rounded: "sm",
sm: {
addon: {
fontSize: "sm",
minH: "8",
px: "2",
rounded: "md",
field: {
fontSize: "sm",
minH: "8",
px: "2",
rounded: "md",
md: {
addon: {
fontSize: "md",
minH: "10",
px: "3",
rounded: "md",
field: {
fontSize: "md",
minH: "10",
px: "3",
rounded: "md",
lg: {
addon: {
fontSize: "lg",
minH: "12",
px: "4",
rounded: "md",
field: {
fontSize: "lg",
minH: "12",
px: "4",
rounded: "md",
xl: {
addon: {
fontSize: "xl",
minH: "14",
px: "4",
rounded: "lg",
field: {
fontSize: "xl",
minH: "14",
px: "4",
rounded: "lg",
variants: {
filled: ({
colorMode: m,
errorBorderColor: ec = ["danger.500", "danger.400"],
focusBorderColor: fc = "focus",
theme: t,
}) => {
const focusBorderColor = isArray(fc)
? mode(getColor(fc[0], fc[0])(t, m), getColor(fc[1], fc[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(fc, fc)(t, m)
const errorBorderColor = isArray(ec)
? mode(getColor(ec[0], ec[0])(t, m), getColor(ec[1], ec[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(ec, ec)(t, m)
return {
addon: {
bg: ["blackAlpha.300", "whiteAlpha.300"],
border: "2px solid transparent",
field: {
bg: ["blackAlpha.50", "whiteAlpha.50"],
border: "2px solid",
borderColor: "transparent",
_active: {
bg: "transparent",
borderColor: focusBorderColor,
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${focusBorderColor}`,
_focusVisible: {
bg: "transparent",
borderColor: focusBorderColor,
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${focusBorderColor}`,
_hover: {
bg: ["blackAlpha.100", "whiteAlpha.100"],
_invalid: {
borderColor: errorBorderColor,
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${errorBorderColor}`,
_readOnly: {
boxShadow: "none !important",
userSelect: "all",
flushed: ({
colorMode: m,
errorBorderColor: ec = ["danger.500", "danger.400"],
focusBorderColor: fc = "focus",
theme: t,
}) => {
const focusBorderColor = isArray(fc)
? mode(getColor(fc[0], fc[0])(t, m), getColor(fc[1], fc[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(fc, fc)(t, m)
const errorBorderColor = isArray(ec)
? mode(getColor(ec[0], ec[0])(t, m), getColor(ec[1], ec[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(ec, ec)(t, m)
return {
addon: {
bg: "transparent",
borderBottom: "1px solid",
borderColor: "inherit",
rounded: "0",
field: {
bg: "transparent",
borderBottom: "1px solid",
borderColor: "inherit",
px: "0",
rounded: "0",
_active: {
borderColor: [focusBorderColor, focusBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0px 1px 0px 0px ${focusBorderColor}`,
_focusVisible: {
borderColor: [focusBorderColor, focusBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0px 1px 0px 0px ${focusBorderColor}`,
_hover: {
borderColor: ["blackAlpha.500", "whiteAlpha.400"],
_invalid: {
borderColor: [errorBorderColor, errorBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0px 1px 0px 0px ${errorBorderColor}`,
_readOnly: {
boxShadow: "none !important",
userSelect: "all",
outline: ({
colorMode: m,
errorBorderColor: ec = ["danger.500", "danger.400"],
focusBorderColor: fc = "focus",
theme: t,
}) => {
const focusBorderColor = isArray(fc)
? mode(getColor(fc[0], fc[0])(t, m), getColor(fc[1], fc[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(fc, fc)(t, m)
const errorBorderColor = isArray(ec)
? mode(getColor(ec[0], ec[0])(t, m), getColor(ec[1], ec[1])(t, m))(m)
: getColor(ec, ec)(t, m)
return {
addon: {
bg: ["blackAlpha.300", "whiteAlpha.300"],
border: "1px solid",
borderColor: ["inherit", "whiteAlpha.50"],
field: {
bg: "inherit",
border: "1px solid",
borderColor: "inherit",
_active: {
borderColor: [focusBorderColor, focusBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${focusBorderColor}`,
_focusVisible: {
borderColor: [focusBorderColor, focusBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${focusBorderColor}`,
zIndex: "yamcha",
_hover: {
borderColor: ["blackAlpha.500", "whiteAlpha.400"],
_invalid: {
borderColor: [errorBorderColor, errorBorderColor],
boxShadow: `0 0 0 1px ${errorBorderColor}`,
_readOnly: {
boxShadow: "none !important",
userSelect: "all",
unstyled: {
addon: {
bg: "transparent",
minH: "auto",
px: "0",
field: {
bg: "transparent",
minH: "auto",
px: "0",
defaultProps: {
size: "md",
variant: "outline",

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