is a component used by the user to select a color or enter an arbitrary color value.
The ColorPicker
is a multi part component.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const ColorPicker: ComponentMultiStyle<"ColorPicker"> = mergeMultiStyle(Input,Menu,{baseStyle: {container: {},content: {minW: "auto",p: "2",w: "auto",},eyeDropper: {color: ["blackAlpha.600", "whiteAlpha.700"],fontSize: "lg",outline: 0,pointerEvents: "auto",py: "1",rounded: "md",transitionDuration: "normal",transitionProperty: "common",w: "6",_disabled: {opacity: 0.4,pointerEvents: "none",},_focusVisible: {boxShadow: "outline",},_hover: {color: ["blackAlpha.500", "whiteAlpha.600"],},},field: {pb: "px",pr: "8",_focus: {zIndex: "unset",},_notAllowed: {cursor: "pointer",},_readOnly: {pointerEvents: "none",},},inner: {},swatch: {},},sizes: {xs: ({ withSwatch }) => ({eyeDropper: {fontSize: "sm",insetEnd: "1",},field: {pl: withSwatch ? "6" : "2",},swatch: {boxSize: "4",insetStart: "1",},}),sm: ({ withSwatch }) => ({eyeDropper: {insetEnd: "2",},field: {pl: withSwatch ? "9" : "2",},swatch: {boxSize: "5",insetStart: "2",},}),md: ({ withSwatch }) => ({eyeDropper: {insetEnd: "2",},field: {pl: withSwatch ? "10" : "3",},swatch: {boxSize: "6",insetStart: "2",},}),lg: ({ withSwatch }) => ({eyeDropper: {insetEnd: "2",},field: {pl: withSwatch ? "12" : "4",},swatch: {insetStart: "2",},}),},},)({omit: ["addon","element","button","list","item","command","icon","divider","group","groupLabel",],})
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