is a component for a panel that appears from the edge of the screen.
The Drawer
is a multi part component.
inherits the style from Modal.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const Drawer: ComponentMultiStyle<"Drawer"> = mergeMultiStyle(Modal, {baseStyle: {body: {overflow: "auto",},container: ({ fullHeight, placement }) => ({...(fullHeight ? { height: "100dvh", rounded: 0 } : {}),[`rounded${toPascalCase(placement)}`]: 0,}),dragBar: ({ placement }) => ({[`margin${toPascalCase(antonym(placement))}`]: "md",...(placement === "top" || placement === "bottom"? { minH: "2", mx: "auto", w: "3xs" }: { h: "3xs", minW: "2", my: "auto" }),bg: ["blackAlpha.100", "whiteAlpha.100"],rounded: "full",}),inner: {},},sizes: {xs: { container: { maxW: "xs" } },sm: { container: { maxW: "md" } },md: { container: { maxW: "lg" } },lg: { container: { maxW: "2xl" } },xl: { container: { maxW: "4xl" } },full: {container: { minH: "100dvh", minW: "100vw", rounded: 0 },},},defaultProps: {size: "md",},})({ omit: ["sizes"] })
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