Leave Yamada UI a star

Yamada UIYamada UIv1.5.4


Tag is a component used to categorize or organize items using keywords that describe them.



The Tag is a multi part component.

export const Tag: ComponentMultiStyle<"Tag"> = {
baseStyle: {
closeButton: {
opacity: 0.5,
rounded: "full",
transitionDuration: "normal",
transitionProperty: "common",
_active: {
opacity: 1,
_disabled: {
opacity: 0.4,
_focusVisible: {
bg: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14)",
boxShadow: "outline",
_hover: {
opacity: 0.8,
_disabled: {
cursor: "not-allowed",
opacity: 0.4,
container: {
fontWeight: "medium",
outline: 0,
rounded: "md",
_focusVisible: {
boxShadow: "outline",
label: {
overflow: "visible",
sizes: {
sm: ({ theme: t }) => ({
container: {
fontSize: "xs",
lineHeight: get(t, "sizes.6"),
minH: "6",
minW: "6",
px: "2",
md: ({ theme: t }) => ({
container: {
fontSize: "sm",
lineHeight: get(t, "sizes.7"),
minH: "7",
minW: "7",
px: "2",
lg: ({ theme: t }) => ({
container: {
fontSize: "md",
lineHeight: get(t, "sizes.8"),
minH: "8",
minW: "8",
px: "3",
variants: {
outline: {
container: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => {
const color = mode(
getColor(`${c}.500`)(t, m),
getColor(isGray(c) ? `${c}.100` : `${c}.400`)(t, m),
return {
boxShadow: `inset 0 0 0px 1px ${color}`,
solid: {
container: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({
bg: [tintColor(`${c}.600`, 24)(t, m), shadeColor(`${c}.600`, 16)(t, m)],
color: `white`,
subtle: {
container: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({
bg: [
isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.100`,
shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 58)(t, m),
color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],
defaultProps: {
colorScheme: "primary",
size: "md",
variant: "subtle",

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