Leave Yamada UI a star

Yamada UIYamada UIv1.5.4


Resizable is accessible resizable panel groups and layouts with keyboard support.



The Resizable is a multi part component.

export const Resizable: ComponentMultiStyle<"Resizable"> = {
baseStyle: ({ direction: d }) => ({
container: {},
icon: {
color: ["blackAlpha.600", "whiteAlpha.700"],
rotate: d === "vertical" ? "90deg" : "0deg",
item: {},
trigger: {},
variants: {
border: ({ direction: d }) => ({
icon: {
bg: "border",
p: "1",
rounded: "full",
trigger: {
bg: "border",
...(d === "vertical" ? { h: "px" } : { w: "px" }),
_after: {
content: "''",
position: "absolute",
...(d === "vertical"
? { left: "0", right: "0", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }
: { bottom: "0", top: "0", transform: "translateX(-50%)" }),
...(d === "vertical" ? { h: "2" } : { w: "2" }),
_focus: {
outline: "none",
_focusVisible: {
bg: "focus",
outline: "none",
spacer: ({
colorScheme: c = "gray",
colorMode: m,
direction: d,
theme: t,
}) => ({
icon: {
transitionDuration: "slower",
transitionProperty: "common",
_active: {
color: ["transparent", "transparent"],
trigger: {
...(d === "vertical" ? { p: "1" } : { p: "1" }),
_active: {
_after: {
bg: isGray(c) ? "border" : `${c}.50`,
_dark: {
_after: {
bg: isGray(c)
? "border"
: transparentizeColor(`${c}.600`, 0.12)(t, m),
_after: {
bg: "transparent",
content: "''",
display: "block",
rounded: "full",
transitionDuration: "slower",
transitionProperty: "common",
...(d === "vertical" ? { h: "2", w: "full" } : { h: "full", w: "2" }),
_dark: {
_after: {
bg: "transparent",
_focus: {
outline: "none",
_focusVisible: {
outline: "none",
_after: {
bg: isGray(c) ? "border" : `${c}.100`,
_dark: {
_after: {
bg: isGray(c)
? "border"
: transparentizeColor(`${c}.600`, 0.24)(t, m),
unstyled: ({ direction: d }) => ({
trigger: {
_after: {
content: "''",
position: "absolute",
...(d === "vertical"
? { left: "0", right: "0", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }
: { bottom: "0", top: "0", transform: "translateX(-50%)" }),
...(d === "vertical" ? { h: "2" } : { w: "2" }),
defaultProps: {
colorScheme: "gray",
variant: "border",

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