is a component for drawing pie charts to compare multiple sets of data.
The PieChart
is a multi part component.
inherits the style from LineChart.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const PieChart: ComponentMultiStyle<"PieChart"> = mergeMultiStyle(LineChart,{baseStyle: {activeShape: {},cell: {},inactiveShape: {},label: { fill: "currentColor", fillOpacity: 1 },labelLine: { stroke: "currentColor" },pie: {},},sizes: {sm: ({ theme: t, withLabels, withLegend }) => ({container: {h: calc.add(get(t, "sizes.3xs"), get(t, "sizes.1")),w: withLegend? "full": calc.add(get(t, "sizes.3xs"),withLabels ? get(t, "sizes.16") : "0px",),},label: {fontSize: "xs",},}),md: ({ theme: t, withLabels, withLegend }) => ({container: {h: "2xs",w: withLegend? "full": calc.add(get(t, "sizes.2xs"),withLabels ? get(t, "sizes.16") : "0px",),},label: {fontSize: "sm",},}),lg: ({ theme: t, withLabels, withLegend }) => ({container: {h: "xs",w: withLegend? "full": calc.add(get(t, "sizes.xs"),withLabels ? get(t, "sizes.16") : "0px",),},label: {fontSize: "md",},}),},defaultProps: {size: "md",},},)({ omit: ["line", "grid", "sizes.full"] })
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