is a component that renders text in markdown format.
The Markdown
is a single part component.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const Markdown: ComponentStyle<"Markdown"> = {baseStyle: {"*:first-of-type": {mt: "0 !important",},a: { color: "link", textDecoration: "none" },blockquote: {borderLeft: "0.25em solid",borderLeftColor: "border",color: "muted",px: "1em",},"blockquote>:last-child": { mb: 0 },"code:not(pre > *)": {bg: ["blackAlpha.200", "whiteAlpha.300"],fontFamily: "mono",fontSize: "85%",m: 0,px: "0.4em",py: "0.2em",rounded: "6px",},h1: {borderBottom: "1px solid",borderBottomColor: "border",fontSize: "2em",pb: ".3em",},"h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6": {fontWeight: "semibold",lineHeight: "1.25",mb: "16px",mt: "24px",},h2: {borderBottom: "1px solid",borderBottomColor: "border",fontSize: "1.5em",pb: ".3em",},h3: {fontSize: "1.25em",},h4: {fontSize: "1em",},h5: {fontSize: "0.875em",},h6: {fontSize: "0.85em",},hr: { bg: "border", border: 0, h: "0.25em", my: "24px", p: 0 },img: { boxSizing: "content-box", maxW: "100%" },"li + li": { mt: "0.25em" },"p, blockquote, ul, ol, dl, table, pre, details": {mb: "16px",mt: "0px",},pre: { fontSize: "92.5%", lineHeight: 1.45, mt: "16px", rounded: "6px" },strong: { fontWeight: "semibold" },table: {display: "block",maxW: "100%",overflow: "auto",w: "max-content",},th: {fontWeight: "semibold",},"th, td": {border: "1px solid",borderColor: "border",px: "13px",py: "6px",},tr: { borderTop: "1px solid", borderTopColor: "border" },ul: {listStyleType: "disc",pl: "2em",},w: "full",},}
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