is a component that displays multiple elements like a slideshow.
The Carousel
is a multi part component.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const Carousel: ComponentMultiStyle<"Carousel"> = {baseStyle: {container: {w: "100%",},control: {},indicator: ({ orientation: o }) => ({bg: ["whiteAlpha.400", "blackAlpha.400"],rounded: "full",transitionDuration: "slower",transitionProperty: "common",_active: {bg: [`whiteAlpha.600`, `blackAlpha.600`],},_focusVisible: {boxShadow: "outline",},_hover: {bg: ["whiteAlpha.500", "blackAlpha.500"],},_selected: {bg: [`whiteAlpha.700`, `blackAlpha.700`],},...(o === "vertical" ? { h: "8", right: "4" } : { bottom: "4", w: "8" }),}),indicators: ({ orientation: o }) => ({gap: "md",...(o === "vertical"? {h: "100%",py: "4",right: "4",top: "50%",transform: "translateY(-50%)",}: {bottom: "4",h: "2",left: "50%",px: "4",transform: "translateX(-50%)",w: "100%",}),}),inner: {},next: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical"? { bottom: "4", left: "50%", transform: "translateX(-50%)" }: { right: "4", top: "50%", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }),}),prev: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical"? { left: "50%", top: "4", transform: "translateX(-50%)" }: { left: "4", top: "50%", transform: "translateY(-50%)" }),}),slide: {},},sizes: {sm: {indicators: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical" ? { w: "1.5" } : { h: "1.5" }),}),inner: {h: "sm",},},md: {indicators: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical" ? { w: "1.5" } : { h: "1.5" }),}),inner: {h: "md",},},lg: {indicators: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical" ? { w: "2" } : { h: "2" }),}),inner: {h: "lg",},},xl: {indicators: ({ orientation: o }) => ({...(o === "vertical" ? { w: "2" } : { h: "2" }),}),inner: {h: "xl",},},},defaultProps: {size: "md",},}
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