Leave Yamada UI a star

Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.3


Card is a component that groups and displays related information. By default, it renders a section element.



The Card is a multi part component.

export const Card: ComponentMultiStyle<"Card"> = {
baseStyle: {
body: {
flex: "1",
container: {},
footer: {},
header: {},
sizes: {
sm: {
body: { gap: "sm", px: "sm", py: "sm" },
container: { rounded: "base" },
footer: { gap: "sm", pb: "sm", px: "sm" },
header: { gap: "sm", pt: "sm", px: "sm" },
md: {
body: { gap: "md", px: "md", py: "md" },
container: { rounded: "md" },
footer: { gap: "md", pb: "md", px: "md" },
header: { gap: "md", pt: "md", px: "md" },
normal: {
body: { gap: "normal", px: "normal", py: "normal" },
container: { rounded: "lg" },
footer: { gap: "normal", pb: "normal", px: "normal" },
header: { gap: "normal", pt: "normal", px: "normal" },
lg: {
body: { gap: "lg", px: "lg", py: "lg" },
container: { rounded: "xl" },
footer: { gap: "lg", pb: "lg", px: "lg" },
header: { gap: "lg", pt: "lg", px: "lg" },
variants: {
elevated: {
container: {
boxShadow: ["md", "dark-md"],
outline: {
container: {
borderWidth: "1px",
solid: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({
container: {
bg: [tintColor(`${c}.600`, 16)(t, m), shadeColor(`${c}.600`, 16)(t, m)],
color: "white",
subtle: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({
container: {
bg: [`${c}.100`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 58)(t, m)],
unstyled: {
body: { p: 0 },
container: { rounded: 0 },
footer: { p: 0 },
header: { p: 0 },
defaultProps: {
colorScheme: "primary",
size: "md",
variant: "elevated",

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