Leave Yamada UI a star

Yamada UIYamada UIv1.7.4


Stepper is a component that displays the progress of a multi-step process.



The Stepper is a multi part component.

export const Stepper: ComponentMultiStyle<"Stepper"> = {
baseStyle: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({
description: {
color: "muted",
icon: {
flexShrink: 0,
number: {},
separator: {
"&[data-status=complete]": {
bg: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],
bg: "border",
flex: 1,
transitionDuration: "slow",
transitionProperty: "common",
_horizontal: {
h: 0.5,
ms: 2,
w: "100%",
_vertical: {
h: "100%",
position: "absolute",
w: 0.5,
status: {
"&[data-status=active]": {
borderColor: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],
borderWidth: "2px",
"&[data-status=complete]": {
bg: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],
color: ["white", "black"],
"&[data-status=incomplete]": {
borderWidth: "2px",
alignItems: "center",
display: "flex",
flexShrink: 0,
justifyContent: "center",
rounded: "full",
transitionDuration: "slow",
transitionProperty: "common",
step: {
"&:last-of-type:not([data-stretch])": {
flex: "initial",
display: "flex",
flex: 1,
flexShrink: 0,
gap: 2,
position: "relative",
_horizontal: {
alignItems: "center",
stepper: {
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "space-between",
w: "100%",
_horizontal: {
alignItems: "center",
flexDirection: "row",
gap: 4,
_vertical: {
alignItems: "flex-start",
flexDirection: "column",
gap: 0,
title: {
fontWeight: "medium",
sizes: {
sm: ({ theme: t }) => ({
description: {
fontSize: "xs",
icon: {
h: 4,
w: 4,
number: {
fontSize: "sm",
separator: {
insetStart: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.6")} / 2 - 1px)`,
maxHeight: `calc(100% - ${get(t, "sizes.6")} - 8px)`,
top: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.6")} + 4px)`,
status: {
h: 6,
w: 6,
title: {
fontSize: "sm",
md: ({ theme: t }) => ({
description: {
fontSize: "sn",
icon: {
h: 5,
w: 5,
number: {
fontSize: "md",
separator: {
insetStart: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.8")} / 2 - 1px)`,
maxHeight: `calc(100% - ${get(t, "sizes.8")} - 8px)`,
top: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.8")} + 4px)`,
status: {
h: 8,
w: 8,
title: {
fontSize: "md",
lg: ({ theme: t }) => ({
description: {
fontSize: "md",
icon: {
h: 6,
w: 6,
number: {
fontSize: "lg",
separator: {
insetStart: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.10")} / 2 - 1px)`,
maxHeight: `calc(100% - ${get(t, "sizes.10")} - 8px)`,
top: `calc(${get(t, "sizes.10")} + 4px)`,
status: {
h: 10,
w: 10,
title: {
fontSize: "lg",
defaultProps: {
colorScheme: "primary",
size: "md",

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