is a component for managing the pagination and navigation of content.
The Pagination
is a multi part component.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const Pagination: ComponentMultiStyle<"Pagination"> = {baseStyle: {container: {_disabled: {cursor: "not-allowed",},},ellipsis: { border: "0", pointerEvents: "none" },first: {},inner: {},item: {color: ["blackAlpha.600", "whiteAlpha.700"],px: 1,transitionDuration: "slower",transitionProperty: "common",_active: {bg: ["blackAlpha.100", "whiteAlpha.100"],},_disabled: {boxShadow: "none",cursor: "not-allowed",opacity: 0.4,},_focus: {outline: "none",},_focusVisible: {boxShadow: "outline",},_hover: {bg: ["blackAlpha.50", "whiteAlpha.50"],_disabled: {bg: ["initial", "initial"],},},_selected: { cursor: "default", pointerEvents: "none" },},last: {},next: {},prev: {},},variants: {ghost: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => {return {item: {_hover: {bg: [`${c}.50`, transparentizeColor(`${c}.600`, 0.12)(t, m)],},_selected: {bg: isGray(c) ? undefined : "transparent",color: isGray(c)? ["blackAlpha.800", "whiteAlpha.700"]: [`${c}.600`, `${c}.500`],fontWeight: "semibold",},},}},outline: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => {return {item: {border: "1px solid",borderColor: "border",_selected: {bg: "transparent",borderColor: [`${c}.600`, `${c}.500`],color: isGray(c)? ["blackAlpha.800", "whiteAlpha.700"]: [`${c}.600`, `${c}.500`],},},}},solid: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({item: {border: "1px solid",borderColor: "border",vars: [{name: "bg",token: "colors",value: isGray(c)? [`${c}.50`, `${c}.700`]: [isAccessible(c) ? `${c}.400` : `${c}.500`, `${c}.600`],},],_selected: {bg: "$bg",borderColor: "$bg",color: [isGray(c) || isAccessible(c) ? `black` : `white`, `white`],},},}),subtle: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({item: {_selected: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],},},}),surface: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({item: {border: "1px solid",borderColor: "border",_selected: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],borderColor: [`${c}.100`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 56)(t, m)],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],},},}),unstyled: {inner: { gap: 0 },item: {bg: "none",color: "inherit",minH: "auto",minW: "auto",_ripple: { display: "none" },},},},sizes: {xs: {inner: {gap: "xs",},item: {fontSize: "xs",minH: 6,minW: 6,rounded: "sm",},},sm: {inner: {gap: "xs",},item: {fontSize: "sm",minH: 8,minW: 8,rounded: "md",},},md: {inner: {gap: "sm",},item: {fontSize: "md",minH: 10,minW: 10,rounded: "md",},},lg: {inner: {gap: "sm",},item: {fontSize: "lg",minH: 12,minW: 12,rounded: "md",},},xl: {inner: {gap: "md",},item: {fontSize: "xl",minH: 14,minW: 14,rounded: "lg",},},},defaultProps: {colorScheme: "primary",size: "sm",variant: "solid",},}
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