is a component that conveys information to the user.
The Alert
is a multi part component.
If you want to change the style of the component, please check here.
export const Alert: ComponentMultiStyle<"Alert"> = {baseStyle: {container: {px: 4,py: 3,rounded: "md",},description: {lineHeight: 5,},icon: {boxSize: 5,flexShrink: 0,marginEnd: 3,},loading: {flexShrink: 0,fontSize: "xl",marginEnd: 3,},title: {fontWeight: "bold",lineHeight: 5,marginEnd: 2,},},variants: {basic: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({container: { bg: ["white", "black"], borderWidth: "1px" },icon: { color: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`] },}),"island-accent": ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({container: {bg: ["white", "black"],borderWidth: "1px",pl: 7,_before: {bg: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],content: '""',h: "calc(100% - 1.5rem)",left: 3,position: "absolute",rounded: "full",top: "50%",transform: "translateY(-50%)",w: 1,},},icon: { color: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`] },}),"left-accent": ({colorScheme: c = "primary",colorMode: m,theme: t,}) => ({container: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],borderLeft: "0.25rem solid",borderLeftColor: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],pl: 3,rounded: 4,},}),solid: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary" }) => ({container: {bg: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.600`],color: "white",},}),subtle: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({container: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],},}),surface: ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({container: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],border: "1px solid",borderColor: [`${c}.100`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 56)(t, m)],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],},}),"top-accent": ({ colorScheme: c = "primary", colorMode: m, theme: t }) => ({container: {bg: [`${c}.50`, shadeColor(`${c}.300`, 68)(t, m)],borderTop: "0.25rem solid",borderTopColor: [`${c}.500`, `${c}.400`],color: [`${c}.800`, isGray(c) ? `${c}.50` : `${c}.200`],pt: 3,rounded: 4,},}),},defaultProps: {colorScheme: "primary",variant: "basic",},}
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